Solid–State Drives

Your website will be significantly faster with solid–state drives

All new desktop PCs and notebooks boast solid–state disks and this is so for a reason. SSDs have much faster read & write speeds, making everything noticeably faster. Precisely the same will apply to your site suggested that you host it with YoYo Daddy O – all the shared web hosting servers have solid–state disks and the web sites hosted with us work much faster compared to those hosted on regular HDDs.

And the best part is that you do not need to alter, tweak or modify anything in any way so as to make it load faster.

Solid–State Drives


A safe and secure web app firewall

Guard all your web applications (Wordpress, Joomla, PrestaShop, etc.) against hacker assaults with ModSecurity. ModSecurity is a firewall program aimed to guard web apps against hacker assaults. We have configured the firewall program in such a way as to obstruct all typical site attacks instantly. By default, ModSecurity is activated for all domains, but you may easily disable it for any site you would like.


Enhanced Service Stability and Security

Do not worry about your web sites hosted on our cloud web hosting platform

We’ve built our very own shared web hosting platform where stability of performance is the number–one priority. Given the fact that the server load is equally spread among several physical machines, your web sites will continue to load incredibly fast even if the web hosting server is excessively loaded. This also means that the web hosting environment is much less vulnerable to hacker and DDoS assaults.

Enhanced Service Stability and Security

99.9% Server Uptime Guarantee

A 99.9 percent uptime in the United States of America, in Europe and in Australia

Keeping your web sites visible online 24x7x365 is our chief priority. We’ve developed our own shared web hosting platform where the server load is being divided evenly between a couple of physical servers to guarantee that your web sites will always be reachable online even if a particular physical server is under stress. Our 99.9% uptime warranty applies to all data centers that we work with – in the USA, in Europe and in Australia.

99.9% Server Uptime Guarantee

A Database Manager

A useful database management tool

Using various other hosting solutions, you need to create a database, then a user, then indicate a user access level. With our Databases Manager, we’ve rendered the procedure way easier. All you have to do is create a database and that’s it – the database’s name is also the user name. As simple as that.

And when you have to make a backup of a particular database, you can do that with one click of the mouse from the Web Hosting Control Panel.

A Database Manager

Remote MySQL Access

Remotely connect to your MySQL database

In case you have a database that you wish to share across a group of websites hosted on separate physical servers with separate hosting companies, you will be able to take advantage of our easy–to–use Remote MySQL functionality. Load it and, you are able to provide access to your MySQL database to different sites that you trust. This is especially useful in case you have a database of clients that you want to share between a set of e–stores.

Remote MySQL Access

Multiple Data Centers

Always offer the fastest site load speeds for all your website visitors

The data center facility location is directly related to your website’s loading speed, thus, by picking a datacenter that is closest to your prospective visitors, you will warrant the nicest web experience for them. We offer you a selection of data center facilities on three continents – Steadfast in Chicago, Illinois, USA; Pulsant in Maidenhead, United Kingdom, Ficolo in Pori, Finland, Telepoint in Sofia, Bulgaria and Amaze in Sydney, Australia. They all offer a steady and protected shared web hosting environment with a round–the–clock server monitoring service and a 99.9% network uptime warranty.

Multiple Data Centers

Web Accelerators

The Web Site Accelerator Programs (Memcached, Node.js and Varnish) integrated into the hosting Web Hosting Control Panel, could significantly improve the loading speed of your dynamic sites.

They are intended to cache the content from your web sites and hence decrease the number of requests to the database server or the API. This will help your websites open significantly faster than before and will permit you to allure more pleased site visitors, which means minimized bounce rates.

Web Accelerators

  • Service guarantees

  • Each of our bundles is set up for you absolutely free. 30 day reimbursement. 99.9% service uptime. 1–hour reply time.
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