Every time you upload a file on a web hosting server, you will need an amount of space on the hdd depending on its particular size. If you operate a script-driven internet site which keeps its information in a database, you will need more space, the more people make use of it. To give an example, in case you have a community forum, the more comments people leave, the larger the database gets. Emails, particularly ones having attachments, also need some disk space in the web hosting account. The HDD space quota that you will get with any shared web hosting provider is the overall amount of info you can have at any moment, and it consists of web site files, e-mail messages and databases. Similarly, a personal computer has a hard disk and the computer programs installed on it along with all the documents and / or music files that you make or download take some storage, which can't exceed the full capacity of the hard disk.

Disk Space in Shared Web Hosting

In order to match the processing power behind all of our cloud web hosting plans, we have thought over and applied the perfect solution about the disk space - your account is not made using just one server, but using a cluster system. Because of this, what we have built is an entire group of servers that is centered on the file storing only, hence you should never worry about not having enough space and having to switch to a different server as your existing one can't accommodate more content. When more space is needed, all we have to do is attach extra machines to our cluster, so the hard drive space is inexhaustible. Still, all our Linux shared web hosting are designed to be employed for sites, not for an archive of big files. We have different machines for all the databases and the email messages.

Disk Space in Semi-dedicated Hosting

Our semi-dedicated server plans have "disk space" as a feature simply to accentuate that it's really unlimited. We can achieve that with the help of a groundbreaking, in-house made cloud hosting platform, where your emails, databases and files are stored on independent clusters of servers. We are able to add additional hard disks or whole servers to all of the clusters and whenever necessary, and our web hosting Control Panel was made to support such a platform. In contrast, the majority of Control Panels on the hosting market can work only on a single server, and regardless of what many providers advertise, they really make multiple accounts on just a single machine. Employing a semi-dedicated server plan from our company, you will never need to concern yourself with hdd storage limits and you are able to focus on developing your websites.

Disk Space in VPS Hosting

The disk space that we offer with our virtual private servers is different depending on the package that you pick when you sign up. Using a more powerful server, you'll be able to conveniently manage various web sites, meaning additional content, so the greater the VPS plan, the more disk space you'll have available. Switching from one plan to another requires just a few mouse-clicks and it does not involve any service disruption. Your site files, databases and emails will share the amount of space your server contains, but if you'd rather to get fixed allocations, you're able to pick cPanel or DirectAdmin for the hosting Control Panel throughout the ordering process. Either of the tools will allow you to create hosting accounts with restricted hdd storage and if needed, even to allocate space from one account to another. Using the third choice that you will find on the order page, our Hepsia Control Panel, all domains will share the space.

Disk Space in Dedicated Web Hosting

With all the disk storage space that we offer with our Linux dedicated web hosting, we guarantee that you will be able to run any kind of website irrespective of its proportions. You'll receive at least 500 GB storage, which you're able to employ as you see fit - even for private file depository. As standard, you will have two hard disk drives, which can be used on their own, so as to make use of their overall storage capacity, or they can be in RAID so that one will be a copy the other in real time to warrant that you will not miss precious information in the event of a hardware breakdown. You're also given the opportunity to put additional HDDs to upgrade the full hard disk space for your use even further. This allows you to build a file or image depository portal without any problems if you would like. When using the DirectAdmin and cPanel hosting Control Panels that we provide, you'll be able to set up a separate account for each site that you host on your server and pre-define a quota for the disk space it can use. If you go for the third alternative, our custom-made Hepsia Control Panel, all of the domains will be managed from a single and they will share the entire server HDD space.